Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
7 Rounds
7 P.Cleans
7 Bar/object Hopping Burpees
21 Dubs/63 single unders (Jumping Jacks for those with no ropes)
Rx 135/95
7 Rounds
7 P.Cleans
7 Bar/object Hopping Burpees
21 Dubs/63 single unders (Jumping Jacks for those with no ropes)
Rx 135/95
5 Sets
3 min of work: 1min of rest
5 Devil Presses
15 V-ups
Rx 50/35
10 T2B
500 reps any which way (Capping max or minimums for each movement??)
*Air Squats
*Sit ups
*Dubz (Jumping Jacks or lateral jumps for those with no ropes)
*Box Jumps/step ups
*Pull-ups/bent over rows
*no more than 125 reps per movement
RX 75/45
1. Deadlift 3×10 @65-70%
2. Strict press 4×5 @65-70%
3. 10’ emom A- 1’ wall sit B- 12 b.rack lunges @35/45lbs
20min EMOM
A) 15 Push ups
B) 18 KBS 24/16
A) 15 Burpees
B) 15 Wall Balls
If you get caught work out now becomes 20min AMRAP.
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