CrossFit – Tue, Apr 30

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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with

Christian Harris & Move Fast Lift Heavy

on our programming!

If you go to Move Fast Lift Heavy

You can receive ONE MONTH FREE of our MFLH Training Program.

AND 15% OFF at our Gear store.

Use Code MIAMIMFLH for BOTH Training and Gear

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

Twinning Tuesday (AMRAP – Reps)

3 sets

2min each section

Buy in: 20 Box Jump Overs 24/20

A) Max P. Snatches 135/95

B) Max Wall Balls 20/14

C) Max Pull Ups

D) Rest

Warm Up (Checkmark)

General warm up

2 rounds

10 upward downward dog

10 prone internal external rotation

10 90/90

20 Heel Drives

Snatch work

10 Snatch High Pull

10 Muscle Snatch

10 Power Snatch

Steven RendonCrossFit – Tue, Apr 30
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MB Conditioning – Tue, Apr 30

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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with

Christian Harris & Move Fast Lift Heavy

on our programming!

If you go to Move Fast Lift Heavy

You can receive ONE MONTH FREE of our MFLH Training Program.

AND 15% OFF at our Gear store.

Use Code MIAMIMFLH for BOTH Training and Gear

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning

043024 (Time)

Every 3min for 24min

5 Burpee Box Jump overs

12 DB Step ups

15 cal bike

Steven RendonMB Conditioning – Tue, Apr 30
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CrossFit – Mon, Apr 29

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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with

Christian Harris & Move Fast Lift Heavy

on our programming!

If you go to Move Fast Lift Heavy

You can receive ONE MONTH FREE of our MFLH Training Program.

AND 15% OFF at our Gear store.

Use Code MIAMIMFLH for BOTH Training and Gear

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

Warm up (Checkmark)

10min to Complete

10 Hollow Rocks

10 Superman’s

10/10 Bend and Ext

5/5 ATG Split Squats

20 Dubz

Rear elevated split Squats (5 Rounds for weight)

5x 5/5

•Rear elevated split Squats

*increase weight every set

MFLH 042924 (3 Rounds for time)

3 rounds for time of:

75 Double-Unders

21/15 Calorie Echo Bike

5 Front Squats (185/125)

– 10:00 Cap –

NOTES: Today’s workout is meant to be a heavy sprint. Regardless of the other two movements, push the pace on the bike and don’t game it.

Coming off the bike with the legs a bit wobbly is what will make this workout fun. The 5 front squats should be tough and feel heavy; however, you should be able to clean the barbell to start the reps and perform each set unbroken.

Steven RendonCrossFit – Mon, Apr 29
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MB Conditioning – Mon, Apr 29

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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with

Christian Harris & Move Fast Lift Heavy

on our programming!

If you go to Move Fast Lift Heavy

You can receive ONE MONTH FREE of our MFLH Training Program.

AND 15% OFF at our Gear store.

Use Code MIAMIMFLH for BOTH Training and Gear

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning

042924 (Time)

Every 10 min for 30min

1000m row

30 Push Ups

30 WallBalls 20/14

30 sit ups

Steven RendonMB Conditioning – Mon, Apr 29
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CrossFit – Sun, Apr 28

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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with

Christian Harris & Move Fast Lift Heavy

on our programming!

If you go to Move Fast Lift Heavy

You can receive ONE MONTH FREE of our MFLH Training Program.

AND 15% OFF at our Gear store.

Use Code MIAMIMFLH for BOTH Training and Gear

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

052824 (Time)

4 rounds

400m run

20 Sit ups

20 H.R. Push Ups

20 KB SDHP 24/16

Steven RendonCrossFit – Sun, Apr 28
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CrossFit – Sat, Apr 27

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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with

Christian Harris & Move Fast Lift Heavy

on our programming!

If you go to Move Fast Lift Heavy

You can receive ONE MONTH FREE of our MFLH Training Program.

AND 15% OFF at our Gear store.

Use Code MIAMIMFLH for BOTH Training and Gear

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

042724 (Time)

Teams of 2

2 rounds

100 Synchro Lunges

50 Pull Ups

50 Box jump Over 24/20

100 cal row

50 T2B

50 Burpees

Steven RendonCrossFit – Sat, Apr 27
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MB Conditioning – Fri, Apr 26

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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with

Christian Harris & Move Fast Lift Heavy

on our programming!

If you go to Move Fast Lift Heavy

You can receive ONE MONTH FREE of our MFLH Training Program.

AND 15% OFF at our Gear store.

Use Code MIAMIMFLH for BOTH Training and Gear

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning

042624 (AMRAP – Reps)

50/40 cal bike

3 rounds

20 push ups

15 ring rows

10 box jump over

1000/800m row

3 rounds

20 air squats

15 v-ups

10 box jump #30/24

50/40 cal bike

Beginning at 0:00 and every 02:30 complete:

2 wall walks

Steven RendonMB Conditioning – Fri, Apr 26
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CrossFit – Fri, Apr 26

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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with

Christian Harris & Move Fast Lift Heavy

on our programming!

If you go to Move Fast Lift Heavy

You can receive ONE MONTH FREE of our MFLH Training Program.

AND 15% OFF at our Gear store.

Use Code MIAMIMFLH for BOTH Training and Gear

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

Warm up (Checkmark)

2 Rounds

:30sec each


• H.R. Push ups

•Calf Raises

•Toe Raises

•Jumping Jacks

Barbell Work

Floor Press (5×3 AHAP)

MFLH x RCFMB 042624 (Time)

Every 5:00 x 5 sets:

10 Floor Bench Press (155/105)

10 Power Clean (155/105)

75 Dubz/ 200 single unders

Steven RendonCrossFit – Fri, Apr 26
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CrossFit – Thu, Apr 25

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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with

Christian Harris & Move Fast Lift Heavy

on our programming!

If you go to Move Fast Lift Heavy

You can receive ONE MONTH FREE of our MFLH Training Program.

AND 15% OFF at our Gear store.

Use Code MIAMIMFLH for BOTH Training and Gear

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

Warm up (Checkmark)

2 rounds

10 90/90

5/5 figure 4 rotations

10 Baby Makers

5 Squat to Sissy Squat

2 rounds

20 PVC Pass through

10 Upward Downward Dog

5 inchworm

Barbell warmup

Barbell Complex (AMRAP – Reps)


Every 1:15 x 10 sets: (12:30)

1 P Snatch + Overhead Squat

*building to a heavy complex

For Completion

MFLH x RCFMB 042524 (Time)

For time:


Overhead Squat (95/65)

100m run after each set

NOTES: This couplet is intended to challenge your self-awareness and pacing. Choose a moderately light overhead squat weight that enables you to complete each set unbroken. Run as fast as you can but not so fast that you need to break up the squat sets or rest before picking up the barbell. Target time 20ish minutes

Steven RendonCrossFit – Thu, Apr 25
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MB Conditioning – Wed, Apr 24

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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with

Christian Harris & Move Fast Lift Heavy

on our programming!

If you go to Move Fast Lift Heavy

You can receive ONE MONTH FREE of our MFLH Training Program.

AND 15% OFF at our Gear store.

Use Code MIAMIMFLH for BOTH Training and Gear

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning

042424 (Checkmark)

Every 2’ for 10’

18/13 cal bike sprinting

Rest 2’

8’ amrap

15 kbs

15 teepee push ups

15 goblet squats

Rest 2’

3 rounds

200m farmers carry

10 cal bike

200 ft front rack carry

10 cal bike

Steven RendonMB Conditioning – Wed, Apr 24
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