MB Conditioning – Fri, Jun 21

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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with

Christian Harris & Move Fast Lift Heavy

on our programming!

If you go to Move Fast Lift Heavy

You can receive ONE MONTH FREE of our MFLH Training Program.

AND 15% OFF at our Gear store.

Use Code MIAMIMFLH for BOTH Training and Gear

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning

062124 (Checkmark)

Every 5’ for 6 sets

A- 20/16 cal bike

15 pull ups

20 DB floor press

B- 20/16 cal bike

15 DB bent over rows (2X DB)

15 burpees to target

Steven RendonMB Conditioning – Fri, Jun 21
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CrossFit – Fri, Jun 21

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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with

Christian Harris & Move Fast Lift Heavy

on our programming!

If you go to Move Fast Lift Heavy

You can receive ONE MONTH FREE of our MFLH Training Program.

AND 15% OFF at our Gear store.

Use Code MIAMIMFLH for BOTH Training and Gear

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

Warm up (Checkmark)

Every 30sec for 6min

•Mt. Climbers

•Shoulder Taps

•Air Squats


Barbell work

•Clean High Pulls

•Muscle Cleans

•P. Cleans

MFLH Lifting (Weight)

10:00 to build to a heavyish P. Clean

MFLH lifting pt2 (062124) (Time)

From 12:00 – 20:00

For time:

5 P.Cleans @ 70%

4 P. Cleans @75%

3 P Cleans @80%

2 P. Cleans @ 85%

1 P. Cleans @ 90%

For Completion

Karen (Time)

For Time:
150 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14#

Steven RendonCrossFit – Fri, Jun 21
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MB Conditioning – Thu, Jun 20

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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with

Christian Harris & Move Fast Lift Heavy

on our programming!

If you go to Move Fast Lift Heavy

You can receive ONE MONTH FREE of our MFLH Training Program.

AND 15% OFF at our Gear store.

Use Code MIAMIMFLH for BOTH Training and Gear

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning

062024 (Checkmark)

-50/40 cal row

50 Alt DB snatch

50 air squats

50 teepee push ups

50 DB lunges

-50/40 cal row

50 box jumps

50 DB thrusters

50 ring rows

50 DB hang cleans

Every 3:30 starting at 0:00 complete:

200m run

Steven RendonMB Conditioning – Thu, Jun 20
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CrossFit – Thu, Jun 20

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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with

Christian Harris & Move Fast Lift Heavy

on our programming!

If you go to Move Fast Lift Heavy

You can receive ONE MONTH FREE of our MFLH Training Program.

AND 15% OFF at our Gear store.

Use Code MIAMIMFLH for BOTH Training and Gear

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

Warm up (Checkmark)

Partner warm up

2 Rounds Each

20 Hollow Rocks

15 Superman’s

10 Baby Makers

5 Squat to sissy Squat

*while one partner is working the other is on the bike

Back Squat (Every 1:30 x 9 sets: (13:30)
Back Squat x 2 @ 75-80%)

MFLH 062024 (AMRAP – Reps)

2:00 ON / 2:00 OFF

15/12 Calorie Echo Bike

10 Line Burpees

Max Toes to bar with remaining time

*Continue until 80 Toes to Bar are completed or cap at 5 rounds

Steven RendonCrossFit – Thu, Jun 20
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MB Conditioning – Wed, Jun 19

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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with

Christian Harris & Move Fast Lift Heavy

on our programming!

If you go to Move Fast Lift Heavy

You can receive ONE MONTH FREE of our MFLH Training Program.

AND 15% OFF at our Gear store.

Use Code MIAMIMFLH for BOTH Training and Gear

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning

061924 (Checkmark)

Every 01:30 for 8 sets

00:30 bike sprints

01:00 rest

Rest 3’

5 sets

2’ on 1’ off

70 dubz

6 devil press (2X DB)

Max t2b with time remaining

Steven RendonMB Conditioning – Wed, Jun 19
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CrossFit – Wed, Jun 19

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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with

Christian Harris & Move Fast Lift Heavy

on our programming!

If you go to Move Fast Lift Heavy

You can receive ONE MONTH FREE of our MFLH Training Program.

AND 15% OFF at our Gear store.

Use Code MIAMIMFLH for BOTH Training and Gear

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

Warm up (Checkmark)

8min amrap

20 Calf Raises

20 Toe Raises

10/10 Bend and Extend

5 bottoms of the burpee

5 top of the burpee

Cardio Party (MFLH) 061924 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

40:00 AMRAP

12/9 Calorie Row

12/9 Calorie Ski ERG

12/9 Calorie Echo Bike

200m run

Goal = 10+ rounds

Steven RendonCrossFit – Wed, Jun 19
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MB Conditioning – Tue, Jun 18

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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with

Christian Harris & Move Fast Lift Heavy

on our programming!

If you go to Move Fast Lift Heavy

You can receive ONE MONTH FREE of our MFLH Training Program.

AND 15% OFF at our Gear store.

Use Code MIAMIMFLH for BOTH Training and Gear

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning

061824 (Time)

-200m run

3 rounds

25 wall balls

25 rkbs (24kg/16kg)

-400m run

3 rounds

20 wall balls

20 kbs

-600m run

3 rounds

15 wall balls

15 kb g2oh

-800m run

Steven RendonMB Conditioning – Tue, Jun 18
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CrossFit – Tue, Jun 18

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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with

Christian Harris & Move Fast Lift Heavy

on our programming!

If you go to Move Fast Lift Heavy

You can receive ONE MONTH FREE of our MFLH Training Program.

AND 15% OFF at our Gear store.

Use Code MIAMIMFLH for BOTH Training and Gear

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

Warm up (Checkmark)

3 Rounds

5/5/5 Good Mornings

10 Scorpions

5 Dive Bombers

100m run

MFlH Strength (Checkmark)

5 sets:

5 Bench Press @ 65-70%

5 Deadlift @ 65-70%

For Completion

Bench Press (5×5 @ 65-70%)

Deadlift (5×5 @ 65-70%)

Twinning Tuesday (Time)

In Pairs:

80-60-40-20 reps for time of:

KB Deadlift (2×53/2×35)

DB push ups

Goblet Squat (53/35)

*Split reps however.

Steven RendonCrossFit – Tue, Jun 18
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MB Conditioning – Mon, Jun 17

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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with

Christian Harris & Move Fast Lift Heavy

on our programming!

If you go to Move Fast Lift Heavy

You can receive ONE MONTH FREE of our MFLH Training Program.

AND 15% OFF at our Gear store.

Use Code MIAMIMFLH for BOTH Training and Gear

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning

061724 (Checkmark)

12’ EMOM

A- 15/12 cal row

B- 10 burpees

Rest 2’

10’ EMOM

A- 13/10 cal bike

B- 20 push ups

Rest 2’


A- 13/10 cal ski

B- 4 wall walks

Steven RendonMB Conditioning – Mon, Jun 17
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CrossFit – Mon, Jun 17

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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with

Christian Harris & Move Fast Lift Heavy

on our programming!

If you go to Move Fast Lift Heavy

You can receive ONE MONTH FREE of our MFLH Training Program.

AND 15% OFF at our Gear store.

Use Code MIAMIMFLH for BOTH Training and Gear

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

MFLH Barbell (Weight)

Every 1:30 x 10 sets (15:00)

Hang Snatch (above knee)

Sets 1,2,3: 2-3 reps@ 70-80%

Sets 4,5,6: 1-2 reps @ 80%

Sets 7,8,9,10:1 rep @ 90+%

*Only increase after successful lifts.

If you miss, stay at the same weight.

If you miss again, go down in weight.

For Completion

Warm up (Checkmark)


5min to complete

10 upward downward dog

15 prone Int/ext rotation

20 Mt. Climbers

10 squat to sissy squat

Barbell work

Hang Snatch High Pull

Hang Muscle Snatch

Snatch Balance

Hang Snatch

Hang Snatch


EMOM × 20:00

Minute 1: 4 Wall Walks

Minute 2: 16 DB Snatch (50/35)

Minute 3: 12 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

Minute 4: 8 Burpees

NOTES: Todays EMOM is a bunch of classic CrossFit style movements.

The volume isn’t too bad compared to some of the moms we’ve done previously. The goal would be to keep your sets big and unbroken where possible, but also work on movement quality. Modify the chest to bar pull-ups to chin over bar pull ups, or band assisted pull ups.

Steven RendonCrossFit – Mon, Jun 17
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