Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning
020823 (No Measure)
Warm up
9min emom
A) 30 heel drives
B) 20 scorpions
C) 200m run
Rest 3min
20min Ladder
•cal Bike
•Push Ups
•Box Jumps
Warm up
9min emom
A) 30 heel drives
B) 20 scorpions
C) 200m run
Rest 3min
20min Ladder
•cal Bike
•Push Ups
•Box Jumps
3 sets
6min amrap/ 2min rest
9 Burpee Box jump overs 24/20
6 P. Cleans 155/105
3 Bar M.U.
Warm up:
9min EMOM
Buy in: 50 single unders
Remaining time
A) sit ups
B) lunges
C) vertical jumps
Rest 3min
For time
800m run
75 WallBalls 20/14
50 KBS 24/16
75 WallBalls
800m run
15min amrap
10 cal Bike (arms only)
50 walking Lunges
25 RKBS 32/24
Warm up
12min emom
A) 7 inch worms
B) 15 hollow rocks
C) mountain climbers
Rest 3min
Every 5min for 20min
500m row
25 Burpees over rower
Rest 3min
5min of core
4 Rounds
400m run
20 Push Ups
15 T2B
10 Front Squats 135/95
Teams of 2
Buy-in: 100cal row
Double DT @135
5 Rounds:
24 Deadlifts
18 Hang Power Cleans
12 S2OH
Buy-out: 100cal row
2 Rounds
150 Dubz
20m sled Push
50 H.R. Push ups
20m sled push
35 weighted sit ups 35/20
20m sled push
20 Strict pull ups
20m sled push
Every 7’ for 3 sets
50/40 cal row
25 burpees over the rower
25 double db push press
3’ rest
8’ emom
A- 200m row
B- 14 burpees
40 banded OH Squats
12min amrap
15 box jump overs 24/20
10 Single arm Devil Cleans 50/35
5 cal bike
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