Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning
121922 (No Measure)
15’ emom
A- 15 KB g2oh @24/16
B- 20 v-ups
C- 30 air squats
3’ rest
Every 90” for 5 sets
200m sprints
15’ emom
A- 15 KB g2oh @24/16
B- 20 v-ups
C- 30 air squats
3’ rest
Every 90” for 5 sets
200m sprints
22min amrap
5 Deadlifts 225/145
10 Bar hopping Burpees
15 cal Bike
20 sit ups
Teams of 2
400m run
2 Rounds
100 wallballs
70 KBS
40 Box jump Overs
400m run
For time
7 Rounds
250/200m row
5 Clean And jerks 185/125
15 Pull Ups
13min amrap
75 Dubz
20 Single arm Devil presses 50/35
100m run
0-10min Death by shuttle run
20m (10 up and 10 back)
*sit ups with the remaining time if you get caught
10min mark
For Time:
wall balls
DB Snatches
For Time:
100 cal Bike
100 russian KBS 32/24
100 Box Jumps 24/20
*Every 2:00min starting @ :00
10 V-Ups
*You may Partition the rep how ever you want
Every 2min for 10min
Cal bike 15/12
10-20min amrap
20 Russian KBS
20 DB S2OH
20 V-Ups
5min emom
Cal bike 10/6
7 sets
2min on: 1min off
12 wall balls 20/14
9 T2B
6 Bar hopping Burpees
*remaining Time max P. Cleans 205/135
For completion
Every min
• max row for meters
• 20 Push ups
• max row for meters
• 20 air squats
*continue until you have rowed 2500m
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