Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit
Double Rahoi (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
24min amrap (partner Wod)
follow the leader
12 Box Jumps 24/20
6 Thrusters 95/65
6 Bar facing burpees
24min amrap (partner Wod)
follow the leader
12 Box Jumps 24/20
6 Thrusters 95/65
6 Bar facing burpees
10 rounds
10 KBS
7 burpees
5 cal bike
*1min rest after each round
For time
50 Dubz
50 D.L. 185/125
50 Dubz
50 Dubz
50 T2B
Every 6min for 24min
800m row
10 Devil cleans
20 weighted sit ups
3 rounds
200m run
30 Lunges
20 DB Snatches
2 Rounds
400m run
40 single arm DB Push press
30 goblet squats
1 round
800m run
50 push ups
40 inverted rows
60 cal row
400m run
30 squat cleans 155/105
400m run
60 cal row
For time
100 DB lunges 50/35
50 push ups
25 Pull Ups
50 Push ups
100 DB Lunges 50/35
Buy out:
Bicycle kicks
Teams of 2
22min follow the leader
30 Dubz
10 Alt DB Snatches 50/35
5 Burpees over DB
For Time:
3 rounds
10 Pull ups
20 push ups
30 KBS 24/16
*every 2min starting at 0:00
12/9 cal bike
Immediately following
Buy out:
50 triple v-Ups
5 rds
12 cal bike
9 DB p.clean (2X DB)
6 burpees to target
Right into
5 rds
15 cal row
10 h.r. push ups
5 DB thrusters (2X DB)
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