Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning
Metcon (Time)
Every 2:30 for 10 sets
A- 30/24 cal rower
B- 27/22 cal bike
Every 2:30 for 10 sets
A- 30/24 cal rower
B- 27/22 cal bike
12min Ladder
Every 3min for 21min
200m run
20 Alt DB Snatches 50/35
15 Push Ups
Teams of 2
3 rounds
100 Dubz
50 cal Bike
Round 1
30 P. Cleans 155/105
Round 2
30 Jerks
Round 3
Clean and Jerks
5 sets
3min amrap: 2min rest
24 lunges
12 T2B
6 Deadlifts 225/155
50 cal bike
400m run
30 Burpee Box jumps
400m run
50 cal bike
3 Rounds
Max Pull ups
Max push ups
Max air squats
4min to complete
400m run
5 rounds
500m row
30 Lunges
20 DB Snatches 50/35
10 Burpees
Max Effort 500m Row
4 rounds
10/7 cal Bike upper body only
20 sit ups
15/15 single arm S2OH 50/35
0-3min to complete
200m run
10 Box Jumps
10 wall balls
3-7min to complete
200m run
20 Box jumps
20 wall balls
7-12min to complete
200m run
30 Box jumps
30 wall balls
12-18min to complete
200m run
40 Box jumps
40 wall balls
18-25min to complete
200m run
50 Box jumps
50 wall balls
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