Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
For time
20 box jumps 24/20
30 P. Cleans 135/95
20 box jumps
800m run
For time
20 box jumps 24/20
30 P. Cleans 135/95
20 box jumps
800m run
Teams of 2
50 cal bike
50 Thrusters @135/95
50 Pull ups
50 S2OH @135/95
50 T2B
50 Front squats @135/95
50 cal bike
For time
5 rounds
12 Deadlifts 155/105
9 Hang P. cleans
6 S2OH
200m run
10 rounds
7 Box Jumps overs
7 DB Thrusters
7 devil cleans
7 weighted sit ups
3 sets
1min each movement
•shuttle runs
•SDHP 24/16
•cal ski erg
•step ups 24/20
•cal bike
0-5 Min to complete
800m run
5 Pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
10-15min to complete
1000m row
15-20min amrap
20 lunge hops
20-25min to complete
Cal bike 50/35
0-10min Death by shuttle run
20m (10 up and 10 back)
*sit ups with the remaining time if you get caught
10min mark
For Time:
wall balls
DB Snatches
Team of 3
Row work
15min emom
Max meter row
•Push ups
•weighted suitcase crunch 10lbs
Every 2min for 10min
Cal bike 15/12
10-20min amrap
20 Russian KBS
20 DB S2OH
20 V-Ups
5min emom
Cal bike 10/6
6min emom
Every :30sec
A) Max Strict Pull ups
B) Max hollow rocks
6 total sets
2min amrap: 1min rest
Buy in:
40 Dubz
30 Lunges
A) Max P. Snatches 135/95
B) Max Wall Ball shots 20/14
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