Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
12 sets
1min on: 1min off
Buy in: 10/7 cals
Remaining time max
A) snatches
B) burpees
C) wall balls
12 sets
1min on: 1min off
Buy in: 10/7 cals
Remaining time max
A) snatches
B) burpees
C) wall balls
4 sets
2min Amrap 1min rest
12 deadlifts 155/105
10 Box Jump overs
8 burpees
8 Rounds total
2min on: 1min off
A) 50 dubs buy in
12 Push ups
12 T2B
B) 200m Buy in
12 KB Swings 24/16
12 jump squat
Teams of 2
800m run
3 rounds
50 P. Snatches 75/55
50 DB Step ups 24/20 (50/35)
800m run
3 Rounds
10 Hang Clean and Jerk 95/65
12 bar facing Burpees
2 Rounds
10 Hang Clean and Jerk 115/85
12 bar facing Burpees
1 Rounds
10 Hang Clean and Jerk 135/95
12 bar facing Burpees
Every 5’ for 5 sets
200m run
10 clusters (2x DB)
10 box step overs (2x DB)
20/15 cal bike
2min on/2min rest
3 P. Cleans 205/145
15/12 cal bike
Max Bar M.U.
Box jump
Beginning at 0:00 and every 2:00
5 T2B
5 Burpees
3 Rounds
6min Amrap
500m row
15 P. Snatches 135/95
*remaining time max burpees over the rower
3min rest
6 sets
3:00’ ON – 1:30’ OFF
A- 500m row
Remaining time:
DB lunges (2x DB)
B- 25/20 cal bike
Remaining time:
DB push press (2x DB)
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