Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
For Time
1,000 meter Row
50 Thrusters (45/35 lb)
30 Pull-Ups
750 meter Row
25 Thrusters (54/35 lb)
15 Pull-Ups
500 meter Row
15 Thrusters (45/35 lb)
9 Pull-Ups
For Time
1,000 meter Row
50 Thrusters (45/35 lb)
30 Pull-Ups
750 meter Row
25 Thrusters (54/35 lb)
15 Pull-Ups
500 meter Row
15 Thrusters (45/35 lb)
9 Pull-Ups
Teams of 2
22min Amrap
400m run (together)
20 Power Snatches 135/95
30 Synchro Push ups
40 Synchro sit ups
25min Amrap
25 cal bike
20 Pull ups
15 Box jump overs
10 squat cleans 185/125
5 single arm Devil press
*1 sled push after each set
7 rounds
12 R. KBS @32/24
10 pull ups
8 box jump over
At the 0:00-6:00-12:00-18:00-24:00-30:00
200m run with MedBall
At the 3:00-9:00-15:00-21:00-27:00
250m row
Tactical Thursday
4 rounds
2min of work-1min rest
A) 20 Air Squats
15 SDHP 24/16
10 HR Push ups
B) 200m run
16 Step ups 24/20
Remaining time max Burpees
10 DB hang power clean (5/5)
20 DB push press (10/10)
30 DB squats
20″ bike sprint
7/5 cal bike
10 DB thrusters (5/5)
7/5 cal bike
10 burpees over the DB
7/5 cal bike
10 DB hang c&j (5/5)
from 0’ to 4’
50 burpees
from 4’ to 7’
100 DU
from 7’ to 11’
50 cal row
from 11’ to 16’
800 mt run
from 16’ to 20’
50 cal row
from 20’ to 23’
100 DU
from 23’ to 27’
50 burpees
Teams of two
Follow the leader
15 wall balls
5 deadlifts 275/165
22min Amrap
25 cal row
25 weighted sit ups 30/20
25 KBS 24/16
25 cal row
25 T2B
5 sets of each
2’ on 1’ off
A- 20 Alt. DB snatch
10 push ups
Remaining time max DB thrusters (2x DB)
B- 20 v-ups
12 DB lunges (1x DB)
Remaining time max devil press (2x DB)
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