Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning
Metcon (Time)
25min Amrap
25 DB Thrusters
50 Dubz/125 singles
25 pull ups
50 Dubz/125 singles
25 weighted step ups
50 Dubz/125 singles
25 T2B
50 Dubz/125 singles
25min Amrap
25 DB Thrusters
50 Dubz/125 singles
25 pull ups
50 Dubz/125 singles
25 weighted step ups
50 Dubz/125 singles
25 T2B
50 Dubz/125 singles
5 Rounds
400m run
30 Dubz
20 wall balls 20/14
10 Deadlifts 225/145
10 sets
1min of work 1min of rest
:15sec max cal bike
:45sec max Alt DB Snatches
Buy out
75 sit ups
50 v-ups
25 hollow rocks
7 rounds
3 Ring M.U.
6 P. snatches 155/105
9 Burpees over rower
12 cal row
800m run
50 Box jumps
50 OH Lunges 45/25
800m run
50 Burpees
50(25/25) split squats 45/25
800m run
3min Amrap
10 P. cleans 135/95
10 T2B
1min rest
3min Amrap
8 P. Cleans 155/105
8 T2B
1min rest
3min Amrap
6 P. cleans 185/115
6 T2B
5 Rounds
20 lunges
20 Alt DB Snatches 50/35
20 V-Ups
200m run
Every 3min for 3 sets
A) 250/200m row
20 wall balls
B)250/200m row
20 KBS
C) 250/200m row
20 push ups
Teams of 2
21min Amrap
10 Clean and Jerks 135/95
20 cal bike
30 wall balls
* while one partner is working the other is holding the bar in a front rack position.(excluding cnj)
*every 3min 7 synchro burpees
40 pull-ups
15 Front Squats 155/105
25 C2B
10 Front Squats 185/115
10 M.U.
5 front Squats 225/145
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