Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4 rounds
2min on:1min off
A) 12 DB Snatches
8 weighted step ups
B) 12 Goblet squats
8 Burpees
4 rounds
2min on:1min off
A) 12 DB Snatches
8 weighted step ups
B) 12 Goblet squats
8 Burpees
7min amrap
50 cals buy in
15 wall balls
15 kbs
800m run buy in
12 Burpees
12 box jumps
7min amrap
50 cal buy in
20 lunges
20 sit ups
10 Rounds
20 Dubz
5 Thrusters 135/95
7 T2B
*rest 30sec between sets
AMRAP in 23 minutes
23 Air Squats
23 Push-Ups
23 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
23 Jumping Lunges
23 Sit-Ups
23 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
Teams of 2
100 cals
50 Thrusters 115/85
50 Pull ups
60 cals
30 Thrusters
30 C2B Pull ups
20 cals
10 Thrusters
10 M.U.
Every 6min for 30min
500m row/400m run
15 deadlifts 225/155
50 Dubz
Amrap 5’
10 db snatch
15 wall balls
20 box jump over
Rest 3’
Every 1:30’
4x100m run
Every 2’
3x200m run
Every 4’
2x400m run
Tactical Thursday
20min ladder
Hand release push ups
Box Step-up w/ DB
DB Hang Clean
8 sets
2’ on 1:30’ off
A- 10 db front squat
10 db push press
10 burpees over the db
B- 10 db hang clean and jerk
10 t2b
10 burpees to target
2 rounds
50 V-Ups
40 burpee Plate jumps
30 T2B
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