MB Conditioning – Fri, Oct 27

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Looking to improve your recovery game?


We’ve partnered up with Movement is Life and Maribel Rojas!


Maribel Rojas is a Miami-based licensed massage therapist, Neuromuscular Therapist, and Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist. A CrossFit athlete since 2010 and a CrossFit coach since 2012, she is uniquely aware and interested in athletic massage and its benefits on the body.


Sessions are customized to the needs of the athlete and may range from 30min, 60min to 90min sessions right here at our gym! They could include soft tissue manipulation, guasha, cupping, myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, etc.


Book your session today!

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning

102723 (Time)

60 wall balls

50 cal bike

40 DB snatch

30 cal bike

20 burpee over the db

10 cal bike

Beginning at 0:00 and every 03:00 complete:

200m run

Steven RendonMB Conditioning – Fri, Oct 27
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CrossFit – Thu, Oct 26

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Looking to improve your recovery game?


We’ve partnered up with Movement is Life and Maribel Rojas!


Maribel Rojas is a Miami-based licensed massage therapist, Neuromuscular Therapist, and Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist. A CrossFit athlete since 2010 and a CrossFit coach since 2012, she is uniquely aware and interested in athletic massage and its benefits on the body.


Sessions are customized to the needs of the athlete and may range from 30min, 60min to 90min sessions right here at our gym! They could include soft tissue manipulation, guasha, cupping, myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, etc.


Book your session today!

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

Warm up (Checkmark)

12min to complete

3 rounds

10 knee rotations

5/5 figure 4 rotations

10/10 bend and extend

10 Hollow rocks

15 Dubz or attempts

Swerve (Time)

5 rounds

50 Dubz/ 100 single unders

30 Wallballs 20/14

25 Weighted sit ups 35/25


***Make sure you stay relaxed on your Dubz!!! Getting frustrated and getting tight can lead to trips.

** on the wallballs you can hon unbroken but as you get tired keep it to 2 sets.

*Weighted sit ups can be used as a rest but they will get harder deeper in the workout.

Steven RendonCrossFit – Thu, Oct 26
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MB Conditioning – Thu, Oct 26

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Looking to improve your recovery game?


We’ve partnered up with Movement is Life and Maribel Rojas!


Maribel Rojas is a Miami-based licensed massage therapist, Neuromuscular Therapist, and Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist. A CrossFit athlete since 2010 and a CrossFit coach since 2012, she is uniquely aware and interested in athletic massage and its benefits on the body.


Sessions are customized to the needs of the athlete and may range from 30min, 60min to 90min sessions right here at our gym! They could include soft tissue manipulation, guasha, cupping, myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, etc.


Book your session today!

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning

102623 (Checkmark)


5 sets

3’ on 2’ off

20 ring rows

15 kbs

10 box jumps

Remaining time:

Max cal rower

Buy out:

50 knee tucks on the rower

Steven RendonMB Conditioning – Thu, Oct 26
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CrossFit – Wed, Oct 25

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Looking to improve your recovery game?


We’ve partnered up with Movement is Life and Maribel Rojas!


Maribel Rojas is a Miami-based licensed massage therapist, Neuromuscular Therapist, and Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist. A CrossFit athlete since 2010 and a CrossFit coach since 2012, she is uniquely aware and interested in athletic massage and its benefits on the body.


Sessions are customized to the needs of the athlete and may range from 30min, 60min to 90min sessions right here at our gym! They could include soft tissue manipulation, guasha, cupping, myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, etc.


Book your session today!

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

Warm Up (Checkmark)

10min Amrap

10/10 bend and ext on post

10 calf raises

10 Toe raises

5 Tuck jumps

10 upward downward dog

10 Scorpions

20 Shoulder taps

Old School (Time)


Alt DB Snatches 50/35

After each set

20 Push Ups

15 Box Jump overs 24/20


***This wod is a play off of an old school open wod. As The Snatch rep gets higher; you will want to break up those reps up to 2-3 sets.

**Push ups wont be difficult early on but later in the wod muscle fatigue can set in. just like the db snatches; start breaking them ups.

*Keep the Box jumps steady to give your shoulders a little bit of a breaqk.

Steven RendonCrossFit – Wed, Oct 25
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MB Conditioning – Wed, Oct 25

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Looking to improve your recovery game?


We’ve partnered up with Movement is Life and Maribel Rojas!


Maribel Rojas is a Miami-based licensed massage therapist, Neuromuscular Therapist, and Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist. A CrossFit athlete since 2010 and a CrossFit coach since 2012, she is uniquely aware and interested in athletic massage and its benefits on the body.


Sessions are customized to the needs of the athlete and may range from 30min, 60min to 90min sessions right here at our gym! They could include soft tissue manipulation, guasha, cupping, myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, etc.


Book your session today!

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning

102523 (Checkmark)

Bike sprints


20” sprint

40” rest

Rest 3’


50 dubz

20 db lunges

10/10 lat medball wall slams

Rest 2’

Bike sprints


15” sprint

45” rest

Steven RendonMB Conditioning – Wed, Oct 25
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MB Conditioning – Tue, Oct 24

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Looking to improve your recovery game?


We’ve partnered up with Movement is Life and Maribel Rojas!


Maribel Rojas is a Miami-based licensed massage therapist, Neuromuscular Therapist, and Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist. A CrossFit athlete since 2010 and a CrossFit coach since 2012, she is uniquely aware and interested in athletic massage and its benefits on the body.


Sessions are customized to the needs of the athlete and may range from 30min, 60min to 90min sessions right here at our gym! They could include soft tissue manipulation, guasha, cupping, myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, etc.


Book your session today!

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning

102423 (Time)

800m run

3 rounds

15 t2b

12 burpee to target

9 kb G2OH

400m run

3 rounds

21 v-ups

15 burpees

9 kb SDHP

800m run

Steven RendonMB Conditioning – Tue, Oct 24
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CrossFit – Tue, Oct 24

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Looking to improve your recovery game?


We’ve partnered up with Movement is Life and Maribel Rojas!


Maribel Rojas is a Miami-based licensed massage therapist, Neuromuscular Therapist, and Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist. A CrossFit athlete since 2010 and a CrossFit coach since 2012, she is uniquely aware and interested in athletic massage and its benefits on the body.


Sessions are customized to the needs of the athlete and may range from 30min, 60min to 90min sessions right here at our gym! They could include soft tissue manipulation, guasha, cupping, myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, etc.


Book your session today!

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

Warm up (Checkmark)

10min amrap

10 banded pull aparts

10 banded bent over rows

5 Kip swings

20 frog thrusts

Core wod (Checkmark)

10min EMOM

A)5-7 Strict T2B

B) 20-25 hollow rocks

Ferry Boat (Time)

5 rounds

21 cal row

15 Pull ups

9 thrusters 95/66


***Just Shit up and go!!!! Aim to keep the row sub 1-1:15. As you get deeper in the wod it will get increasingly difficult but still attainable.

** try to hold on to going unbroken as long as you can. If not this should still be no more than 2 sets.

*thrusters should be unbroken as well.

Steven RendonCrossFit – Tue, Oct 24
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CrossFit – Mon, Oct 23

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Looking to improve your recovery game?


We’ve partnered up with Movement is Life and Maribel Rojas!


Maribel Rojas is a Miami-based licensed massage therapist, Neuromuscular Therapist, and Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist. A CrossFit athlete since 2010 and a CrossFit coach since 2012, she is uniquely aware and interested in athletic massage and its benefits on the body.


Sessions are customized to the needs of the athlete and may range from 30min, 60min to 90min sessions right here at our gym! They could include soft tissue manipulation, guasha, cupping, myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, etc.


Book your session today!

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

Warm up (Checkmark)

3 rounds

10 baby makers

5 Squat to sissy squats

10 bent knee windshield wipers

5/5 single leg glute bridges

10 bent arm scorpions

Barbell warm up

:30 sec each

•vertical jumps

•clean high pulls

•high knees

•Muscle cleans

•jumping jacks

•P. Cleans

Adrenaline (AMRAP – Reps)

20min running clock


5 P. clean 55/105

5 bar facing burpees

Max cal bike


2 rounds

5 P. clean 55/105

5 bar facing burpees

Max cal bike


3 rounds

5 P. clean 55/105

5 bar facing burpees

Max cal bike


4 rounds

5 P. clean 55/105

5 bar facing burpees


5 rounds

5 P. clean 55/105

5 bar facing burpees

Max cal bike

*score is total reps and calories combined.


*** This one is mental. Start fast on this one. Especially on the bike. As you approach the end of your 4min(30-45sec) slow down your pace on the bike. This will allow you to get right to work on the barbell.

Steven RendonCrossFit – Mon, Oct 23
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CrossFit – Sun, Oct 22

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Looking to improve your recovery game?


We’ve partnered up with Movement is Life and Maribel Rojas!


Maribel Rojas is a Miami-based licensed massage therapist, Neuromuscular Therapist, and Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist. A CrossFit athlete since 2010 and a CrossFit coach since 2012, she is uniquely aware and interested in athletic massage and its benefits on the body.


Sessions are customized to the needs of the athlete and may range from 30min, 60min to 90min sessions right here at our gym! They could include soft tissue manipulation, guasha, cupping, myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, etc.


Book your session today!

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

102223 (Time)

800m run

2 rounds

25 Front Squats 135/95


15 Box Jumps 30/24

800m run

Steven RendonCrossFit – Sun, Oct 22
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CrossFit – Sat, Oct 21

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Looking to improve your recovery game?


We’ve partnered up with Movement is Life and Maribel Rojas!


Maribel Rojas is a Miami-based licensed massage therapist, Neuromuscular Therapist, and Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist. A CrossFit athlete since 2010 and a CrossFit coach since 2012, she is uniquely aware and interested in athletic massage and its benefits on the body.


Sessions are customized to the needs of the athlete and may range from 30min, 60min to 90min sessions right here at our gym! They could include soft tissue manipulation, guasha, cupping, myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, etc.


Book your session today!

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

102223 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)




12 DB snatch

9 pull ups

6 cal bike

Steven RendonCrossFit – Sat, Oct 21
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