CrossFit – Thu, Jun 13

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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with

Christian Harris & Move Fast Lift Heavy

on our programming!

If you go to Move Fast Lift Heavy

You can receive ONE MONTH FREE of our MFLH Training Program.

AND 15% OFF at our Gear store.

Use Code MIAMIMFLH for BOTH Training and Gear

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit


2 rounds

20 Calf raises

20 Toe Raises

10/10 Bend and Extend

5/5 ATG split squats

50 single unders

Back Squat

Every 2min for 16min

Set 1: 2 reps @ 60%

Set 2: 2 reps @ 65%

Set 3: 2 rep @ 75%

Set 4: 2 reps @ 80%

Set 5: 2 rep @ 80%

Sets 6,7,8 2 reps @85%

MFLH (Time)

AT 0:00

For Time

500 meter Ski Erg

500 meter Row

1.000 meter Bike

Time Cap: 6:00 MEN / 7:00 WOMEN

AT 10:00

150 Double-Unders

800m Run

150 Double-Unders

Steven RendonCrossFit – Thu, Jun 13

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