Oly – 07/30/19

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Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – Oly Class

Hey Forged in Flames BC! As we approach the final weeks of our 1st lifting cycle we approach higher percentages. We will be working between mid 80 to mid 90% this week on both Tuesday & Thursday. This is to mentally prepare yourselves for our 1RM testing next week.

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A.1: Snatch (6×1)


A.2: Snatch (4×1)


B.1: 2 Cleans + 1 Jerk (3×1)


B.2: Clean & Jerk (3×1)


C: Clean Pulls (4×3)


ACC: Metcon (Weight)

Accessories x3

Straight Leg situps x30

DB OH Press x10

Steven RendonOly – 07/30/19

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