MB Conditioning – Fri, Aug 4

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Looking to improve your recovery game?


We’ve partnered up with Movement is Life and Maribel Rojas!


Maribel Rojas is a Miami-based licensed massage therapist, Neuromuscular Therapist, and Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist. A CrossFit athlete since 2010 and a CrossFit coach since 2012, she is uniquely aware and interested in athletic massage and its benefits on the body.


Sessions are customized to the needs of the athlete and may range from 30min, 60min to 90min sessions right here at our gym! They could include soft tissue manipulation, guasha, cupping, myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, etc.


Book your session today!

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning

080423 (No Measure)

Every 5’ for 30’

A- 400m run
8 devil press (2X DB)
16 box jump overs

B- 400m run
8 DB thrusters (2X DB)
16 Alt. t2b

Steven RendonMB Conditioning – Fri, Aug 4
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CrossFit – Fri, Aug 4

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Looking to improve your recovery game?


We’ve partnered up with Movement is Life and Maribel Rojas!


Maribel Rojas is a Miami-based licensed massage therapist, Neuromuscular Therapist, and Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist. A CrossFit athlete since 2010 and a CrossFit coach since 2012, she is uniquely aware and interested in athletic massage and its benefits on the body.


Sessions are customized to the needs of the athlete and may range from 30min, 60min to 90min sessions right here at our gym! They could include soft tissue manipulation, guasha, cupping, myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, etc.


Book your session today!

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

Warm up (No Measure)

Warm up:
10min amrap
20 Knee rotations
5/5 figure 4 rotations
10 sissy Squats
5/5 warrior pose banded pull aparts
20 Mountain Climbers

Barbell work (No Measure)

Barbell work
10 reps each (first 5 on coaches command)
•Snatch pulls
•Heaving Snatch Pull Unders
•Squat Snatch

Off the Wall (AMRAP – Reps)

0-10min to complete
30 Squat Snatches

10-22min ladder
*after every set
4 single arm Devil Cleans 50/35
12 DB Lunges

*** Stay steady on your snatches. No need to speed through. Make sure you set yourselves up the same every rep. 10min is enough time to finish.
** the Beginning of Pt 2 is deceiving. Small sets of T2B in the begging but as you move through deeper it gets dicey quick. At that point break them up in quick sets.

Steven RendonCrossFit – Fri, Aug 4
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CrossFit – Thu, Aug 3

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Looking to improve your recovery game?


We’ve partnered up with Movement is Life and Maribel Rojas!


Maribel Rojas is a Miami-based licensed massage therapist, Neuromuscular Therapist, and Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist. A CrossFit athlete since 2010 and a CrossFit coach since 2012, she is uniquely aware and interested in athletic massage and its benefits on the body.


Sessions are customized to the needs of the athlete and may range from 30min, 60min to 90min sessions right here at our gym! They could include soft tissue manipulation, guasha, cupping, myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, etc.


Book your session today!

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

Warm Up 080323 (No Measure)

Warm up:
10min to complete
2 Rounds
10 Banded Cat cow
7 Front raises
7 Lat raises
7 Bent Over Rows
7 Up Right Rows
5/5 ATG split Squat heel to toe
10 Cyclist Squats

Skill (No Measure)

Kipping HSPU work

*** we will focus on your set up as well as knee position on the kip.

Break up to Make Up (Time)

5 rounds
500m row
10 Box Jump Overs 24/20”
20 Push ups

*** Keep proper technique on the rower (legs-hips-arms-arms-hips-legs). Use your length.
** Drive your arms on the box jumps. The faster your arms move the more power you generate to jump.
*Break up the Push ups as necessary as muscle fatigue sets in. It’s ok to test your limits on volume. It will be 2-3min between sets on the push ups.

Steven RendonCrossFit – Thu, Aug 3
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CrossFit – Wed, Aug 2

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Looking to improve your recovery game?


We’ve partnered up with Movement is Life and Maribel Rojas!


Maribel Rojas is a Miami-based licensed massage therapist, Neuromuscular Therapist, and Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist. A CrossFit athlete since 2010 and a CrossFit coach since 2012, she is uniquely aware and interested in athletic massage and its benefits on the body.


Sessions are customized to the needs of the athlete and may range from 30min, 60min to 90min sessions right here at our gym! They could include soft tissue manipulation, guasha, cupping, myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, etc.


Book your session today!

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

Warm up (No Measure)

Warm up:
10min amrap
5/5 PVC Pipe Over Unders
10 Toe Touches with the Toes elevated
5/5 loopy rows
5 bent over rows
5 Kip Swings

Kief (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

5 sets
3min amrap: 1min rest
12 Pull Ups/ring rows
9 Bar Hopping Burpees
6 Deadlifts 225/155

*** For those that have trouble with grip strength or rhythm of pull ups; break up the reps from the jump.
**No need to Sprint through the burpees. Stay steady.
*Reps scheme for the deadlifts isn’t much but still needs to be respected. Set yourself up properly. Keep your tension through out your midline. Shouldn’t break these reps up in more that 2 sets.

Steven RendonCrossFit – Wed, Aug 2
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MB Conditioning – Wed, Aug 2

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Looking to improve your recovery game?


We’ve partnered up with Movement is Life and Maribel Rojas!


Maribel Rojas is a Miami-based licensed massage therapist, Neuromuscular Therapist, and Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist. A CrossFit athlete since 2010 and a CrossFit coach since 2012, she is uniquely aware and interested in athletic massage and its benefits on the body.


Sessions are customized to the needs of the athlete and may range from 30min, 60min to 90min sessions right here at our gym! They could include soft tissue manipulation, guasha, cupping, myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, etc.


Book your session today!

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning

080223 (No Measure)

0:00 to 10:00 to complete

3 rounds
25 push ups
18/15 cal ski

10:00 to 20:00 to complete

3 rounds
25 v-ups
20/17 cal row

20:00 to 30:00 to complete

800m run
50 push ups
50 v-ups

Steven RendonMB Conditioning – Wed, Aug 2
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CrossFit – Tue, Aug 1

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Looking to improve your recovery game?


We’ve partnered up with Movement is Life and Maribel Rojas!


Maribel Rojas is a Miami-based licensed massage therapist, Neuromuscular Therapist, and Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist. A CrossFit athlete since 2010 and a CrossFit coach since 2012, she is uniquely aware and interested in athletic massage and its benefits on the body.


Book your session today!

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Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

Warm up 080123 (No Measure)

Warm up:
8min amrap
20 Knee rotation
5/5 figure 4 rotation
10 squat to sissy squat

Barbell work 080123 (No Measure)

Barbell work
10 Clean High Pulls
10 Muscle Cleans
10 Power Cleans
*first 3 reps of each movement on coache command.

Outta My Mind (Time)

Fort time:
2 Rounds
100 Dubz
50 Step Ups 24/20”
25/20 Cal Bike
10 P. Cleans 205/135

*** stay relaxed on the double unders. Being tense will be your biggest enemy.
** Find a Rhythm on the step ups. By far the longest part of the work out. Keep a good pace. Same with the Cal Bike.
*Make sure you set up correctly for your P. cleans. By this time your legs will be loaded and heart rate will be up. Barbell will feel much heavier than what you warmed up to.

Steven RendonCrossFit – Tue, Aug 1
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MB Conditioning – Mon, Jul 31

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Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning

073123 (No Measure)

Every 1:30 for 6 sets

6 shuttle runs (down and back = 1)
7 burpees

Rest 2’

4 sets

2’ on 1:30’ off

A- 10 db front squat
10 db push press
10 burpees over the db

B- 10 db hang clean and jerk
10 t2b
10 burpees to target

Steven RendonMB Conditioning – Mon, Jul 31
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CrossFit – Mon, Jul 31

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Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

Warm Up 073123 (No Measure)

Warm up
10min amrap
20 Hollow rocks
10 Crab Bridges
10/10 halo’s
10 banded Good Morinings
10/10 Banded Presses

Skill 073123 (No Measure)

3×10 Ring rows
3×5 Ring M.U. transitions
3×3 Kipping C2B

*** On Ring Work keep the rings as close to the ribs. This is the same for dips and M.U. Transactions. Focus on pulling the rings through the rib cages just below the sternum (breast plate)

Bumpers (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

16min amrap
100m run
15 S2OH 115/85
20 Russian KBS
25 sit ups
30 Air squats

**** Run is short. Should be a nice stride not a jog.
***S2OH is tricky. Weight is not heavy but the volume is pretty high for unbroken reps. Push press will definitely be faster but heart rate will spike up. Jerks are more efficient but you will increase your time under tension so fatigue will set in. Break them up if need be.
** Russians should all be unbroken. Heart rate will be up but hold on.
*Move with a purpose on the sit ups and squats. Body weight movements should not slow you down.

Steven RendonCrossFit – Mon, Jul 31
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CrossFit – Sun, Jul 30

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Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

073023 (AMRAP – Reps)

10 rounds
10 Cal Bike
10 alt DB Snatches 50/35
*max push ups

*** Use your legs as much as possible on the Bike to reserve your upper body.
** slow down your Snatches and breathe at the top of ever snatch.
*speed through your push ups to decrease your time under tension.

Steven RendonCrossFit – Sun, Jul 30
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