Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit
Warm up 072823 (No Measure)
Warm up:
8min amrap
20 Heel Drives
10 Prone internal/external rotation
10 Squat to Sissy Squat
10 Dubz
Barbell Work 072823 (No Measure)
Barbell Work:
10 Snatch High Pulls
10 Muscle Snatch
10 P. Snatch
*First 3 reps of each movement on Coaches Command
Lance (Time)
100 Dubz
30 P. snatches 75/55
15 Cal Bike
75 Dubz
15 P Snatches 135/95
15 cal Bike
50 Dubz
5 P. Snatches 165/105
15 Cal Bike
****Control your breathing!!
***Heart rate will shoot up after the Dubz. Break up the first set of Snatches. Lighter weight can be sneaky.
** Bike is the Bike. Get uncomfortable because there’s no comfort. Rather get through these calories fast than slow.
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