Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning
Metcon (Time)
For completion
Every min
• max row for meters
• 20 Push ups
• max row for meters
• 20 air squats
*continue until you have rowed 2500m
For completion
Every min
• max row for meters
• 20 Push ups
• max row for meters
• 20 air squats
*continue until you have rowed 2500m
20min amrap
40 Lunges 50/35
30 H.R. Push Ups
20 V-ups
200m run
Every 5’ for 30’
A- 250/200m row
20 t2b
10 db push press (2X DB)
B- 75 dubz
15 db thrusters (2X DB)
20 V-ups
For time
3 rounds
25 cal row
25 P. Snatches 75/55
25 Box jump overs
10 rounds
13 h.r. push ups
10 db snatch
7 cal bike
Every 3:00 beginning at 0:00 perform:
200m run
For time:
2 rounds
10 Deadlifts 225/145
10 Bar facing Burpees
20 Pull Ups
Rest 2min
2 rounds
10 Deadlifts 225/145
10 Bar facing Burpees
10 C2B
Rest 2min
2 rounds
10 Deadlifts 225/145
10 Bar facing Burpees
5 Bar M.U.
200m run
30 kbs
50 wall balls
400m run
30 kb sdhp
40 wall balls
800m run
30 kb g2oh
30 wall balls
Buy out:
50 pull through w/KB
Every time you break
10 v-ups
Every 5min for 25min
75 Dubz
18 cal bike
15 KB SDHP 32/24
28’ EMOM
A- 15/11 cal row
B- 7 burpee box jump over
C- 12/9 cal bike
D- 10 db hang p.cleans (1X DB)
12min ladder
•P. Cleans
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