Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning
Metcon (Time)
10 rounds
12 KBS
9 Burpees
6 cal Bike
*rest 1min after each round
Metcon (No Measure)
50 Triple V-Ups
10 rounds
12 KBS
9 Burpees
6 cal Bike
*rest 1min after each round
50 Triple V-Ups
6min ladder
Strict HSPU
For time
800m run
60 Box jump overs
40 Hang P. Snatches 95/65
*after each set
25 Push ups
50 Air Squats
4 sets
15 hollow rocks
10/10 single arm bent over rows
Max Strict Pull ups
6 sets
2min amrap: 1min rest
3 P. cleans 155/105
3 Squat cleans
3 front squats
9 Bar Facing Burpees
*Max Dubz
*score is total dubz
Teams of 2
4min max cal bike
Rest 2min
12min follow the leader
12 Wall balls 20/14
9 SDHP 32/24
6 Box Jump overs 24/20
Rest 3min
3min max cal bike
7 rounds
12 DB single arm thruster
9 burpees over the db
6 pull ups
Beginning at 0:00 and every 2:30
200m run
•clean and jerk 155/105
*10 cal row after each set
Every 3:30’ for 21’ (6 sets)
12 box jump over
18 plate g2oh @45/25
24 push ups
Right into
Plank up downs
Teams of 2
3 Rounds max reps
2min each
•ski erg
•shuttle run
*1 person working at a time. Total reps combined.
1000m run
50 DB snatch
800m run
40 DB lunges
600m run
30 DB c&j
400m run
20 single arm devil press
200m run
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