Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
Hero Hopper Friday
The Joe
The 4 Fallen
Andy Brook
The Thirteen
Hero Hopper Friday
The Joe
The 4 Fallen
Andy Brook
The Thirteen
30’ EMOM
A- Max DB snatch
B- MAX shuttle runs
C- Max t2b
D- MAX shuttle runs
C- rest
5 rounds
200m run
10m sled push 180/90
12 T2B
20 lunges 50/35
6 sets
3’ on 1:30’ off
A- 50 air squats
30 Alt. V-ups
Remaining time max DB push press (x2 DB)
B- 50 push ups
30 sit ups
Remaining time max DB squats (x2 DB)
C- 20 DB thrusters
30 leg raises
Remaining time max DB c&j (x2 DB)
4 sets
90sec on 90sec off
Max row for meters
5 sets
2min on: 1min off
Buy in
10 Alt DB Snatched 50/35
10 Box Jump Overs 24/20
*remaining time max push ups
*score is total push ups
4 sets
90sec on 90sec off
Max row for meters
5 sets
2min on: 1min off
Buy in
10 Alt DB Snatched 50/35
10 Box Jump Overs 24/20
*remaining time max push ups
*score is total push ups
50 wall balls
400m run
30 plate G2OH @45/25lbs
20 burpees to plate
1000m row
20 burpees to plate
30 plate G2OH
400m run
50 walls balls
30sec each
• Strict Pull-Ups
• L arm KB Bent over Row
•R arm KB Bent over row
For time
Curtis P 135/95
*after each Set
50 Dubz
20 weighted Sit ups 25/15
Every 1:30 for 10 sets
20 sec sprint bike
Rest 2’
10’ emom
A- 15 pull ups
B- 15 kbs
Skill wod
30sec on:30sec off
3 sets
H.S. Kick ups
3 sets
HS Holds
3 sets
HS Negative to press
18min amrap
20 cal bike
15 bar facing burpees
10 Deadlifts 225/155
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