Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
21min amrap
Teams of 2
50 Box Jump overs 24/20
60 Alt DB Snatches 50/35
70 Wall balls 20/14
* while one partner is working the other runs 200m
21min amrap
Teams of 2
50 Box Jump overs 24/20
60 Alt DB Snatches 50/35
70 Wall balls 20/14
* while one partner is working the other runs 200m
32’ emom
A- 12/9 cal bike
B- 14 DB snatch
C- 12/9 cal row
D- 10 t2b
7 rounds
100m run
3 Power Cleans 205/135
10 cal bike
*rest 2min after every round
15’ amrap
30 air squats
20 push ups
10 pull ups
200m run
Rest 3’
Burpee box jump over
2 Rounds
5 Bar M.U.
30 alt DB Snatches 50/35
15 T2B
30 DB Squats
Every 2:00 for 16:00
20″ bike SPRINTS
Rest 2’
Sit ups
Alt. v-ups
Leg raises
30min AMRAP
500m Row
400m Run
30 Dubz
7 rounds
12/9 cal row
9 burpees
12 kb g2oh
Rest 1’ after every round
Sprint through every round!
2 Rounds
20 Pull ups
15 deadlifts 155/105
30 Push ups
15 P. cleans
40 Squats
15 Jerks
For time:
50 DB squats (1X DB)
100m run
40 DB push press (1X DB)
200m run
30 single arm DB thrusters
400m run
20 single arm devil press
800m run
10 single arm devil thrusters
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