Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning
Metcon (Time)
5 rounds
400m run
30 air squats
20 push ups
10 pull ups
5 rounds
400m run
30 air squats
20 push ups
10 pull ups
30min running clock
0-10min Amrap
200m run
10 Strict pull ups
10-20min Amrap
200m run
20 push ups
200m run
30 air squats
EMOM 30 minutes
1- 15 cal row
2- 8/8 DB hang p.clean (1X DB)
3- 20 wall balls
4- 15 KB g2oh
5- 60 dubz
6- rest
12min cap
4 rounds
25 wall balls 20/14
50 Dubz
5 rounds
200m run
18 lunges
14 Burpees
Teams of 2
1000m row
150 wall balls 20/14
300 Dubz
150 RKBS 32/24
1000m row
100 DB lunges
80 v-up’s
60 dB Snatches
40 dB front squats
20 burpee box jumps
Hero Hopper Friday
Philip M Wigal
Ghost 31
Wir sammeln spenden
Weston lee
Devil Dogs
*Some hero WODs use weight vests. So if you have one bring it.
3 rounds
90sec on:1min off
A) 200m run
Max Burpees
B)200m run
C) 200m run
Max step ups
50 cal bike
40 Alt DB Snatches 50/35
*remaining time max squat cleans 205/135
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