Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning
Metcon (No Measure)
8 sets
2’ on 1’ off
A- 30 dubz
20 lunges
10 kb sdhp
Remaining time max push ups
B- 15 kbs
20 alt. V-ups
Remaining time max cal. rower
8 sets
2’ on 1’ off
A- 30 dubz
20 lunges
10 kb sdhp
Remaining time max push ups
B- 15 kbs
20 alt. V-ups
Remaining time max cal. rower
0-8min to complete
21 P. Cleans 115/85
30/21 cal bike
21 P. Cleans
8-16min to complete
15 P. Cleans 155/105
30/21 cal bike
15 P. Cleans
16-24min to complete
9 P. Cleans 185/126
30/21 cal bike
9 P. Cleans
10 rounds
12 cal. bike
10 db push press
8 burpees
Rest 1’ after each round
•thrusters 95/65
after every set 1 round of
8 Burpees over bar
12 pistols
100 air squats
100 sit ups
50 r. kbs
200m run
75 air squats
75 v-ups
50 r. kbs
400m run
50 air squats
50 hollow rocks
50 r. kbs
800m run
oly Complex
1 Hang P. Clean
1Hang Squat Clean
1 F.Squat
*increase weight every set
4 Rounds
15 Cal Row
15 Box Jumps 24/20
15 deadlifts 225/155
Work/rest 1:1
4 rounds
600m run
21 Devil Clusters
21 Pull ups
400m run
15 Devil Clusters
15 Pull ups
200m run
9 Devil Clusters
9 Pull ups
Teams 2
120 push ups
100 H. P Cleans 95/65
80 Box Jumps
60 T2B
40 Hang P. snatch
20 burpee box jumps
• while one partner works the other runs 200m
For time
Buy in: 200 Dubz
5 rounds
5 Bar M.U.
10 Deadlifts 225/155
Buy out: 800m run
Tactical Thursday
7 rounds
10 H.R. Push Ups
10 step ups
10 Russian KBS
10 sit ups
100m run
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