Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning
Metcon (No Measure)
1 mile time trial
(10 minutes time cap)
Rest 3’
15’ emom
A- 25 wall balls
B- 14 t2b
C- 14 DB hang clean&jerk
1 mile time trial
(10 minutes time cap)
Rest 3’
15’ emom
A- 25 wall balls
B- 14 t2b
C- 14 DB hang clean&jerk
2min max-1min rest
200m run
6 P. Cleans 185/125
•max M.U. With remaking time
5 Rounds
10 Squat Cleans
5 Strict HSPU (2″ deficit)
10 T2B
5 burpee Box jumps 30/24″
10 cal bike
Teams of 2 Thursday
As a team of 2 complete
200 cal bike
Partner 1:
works on bike
Partner 2:
complete 15 kb sdhp
10 v-ups
5 burpee pull ups
As soon as partner 2 finish the round switch with partner 1
0’ to 5’
3 rounds
10 DB thrusters (1x DB)
10 burpees
5’ to 10’
3 rounds
10 DB snatch
10 h.r. push ups
10’ to 15’
3 rounds
20 DB lunges
10 DB push press (1x DB)
15’ to 20’
3 rounds
20 DB squats
10 single arm devil press
20’ to 25’
1k row
20min Amrap
1mile run
2000m row
Every 4’ for 6 sets
A- 20 cal bike
50 air squats
B- 20 box step overs with KB
30 KB g2oh
20min Ladder
•P. Snatches 135/95
*50 Dubz after each set
400m run
100 dubz
100 lunges
400m run
75 sit ups
75 kbs
400m run
50 box jumps
50 wall balls
400m run
25 db burpees
25 db thrusters
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