Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning
Metcon (Time)
For time
1000m row
100 wall balls
70 cal bike
70 kbs
400m run
40 burpees
For time
1000m row
100 wall balls
70 cal bike
70 kbs
400m run
40 burpees
Teams of 2
follow the leader
3 rounds (each)
15 cal bike
15 thrusters 65/45
*one partner must complete a full round before the other partner begins. This an all out sprint!!!!
For Time
800m run
4 rounds
30 V-ups
20 push ups
10 Front Squats 155/105
800m run
Teams of 2
2000m row
3 rounds
50 DB Snatches 50/35
50 Box Jumps 24/20
2000m row
9 rounds
:45sec of Work
1 min of rest
A) floor press
B) squat jumps
3 sets
3min Amrap / 2min rest
A) 3 Thrusters 135/95
6 bar hopping burpees
9 C2B pull ups
B) 5 P. Cleans 135/95
8 front rack lunges
30 Dubz
10min emom
9/6 cal bike
15/12 push ups
if you get caught wod turns into an Amrap
Every 3 min for 15min
400m run
15-27min mark
15 Burpees
15 Plate G2OJ
10 T2B
10 DB Push Press
4 sets
5min on 2min off
25 Goblet Squats
20 Push ups
15 Box jumps
4 Rounds
50 Dubz
40 Lunges
30 v-Ups
20 cals
10 DB Snatches
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