Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning
Metcon (No Measure)
7’ amrap
200m run
20 air squat
10 push ups
3’ rest
7’ amrap
15 calories
10 pull ups
15 kb g2oh
3’ rest
7’ amrap
15 burpees
20 t2b
25 lunge hops
7’ amrap
200m run
20 air squat
10 push ups
3’ rest
7’ amrap
15 calories
10 pull ups
15 kb g2oh
3’ rest
7’ amrap
15 burpees
20 t2b
25 lunge hops
Tactical Thursday
2 Rounds
5min Amrap
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats
2min rest
5min Amrap
30 Russian KBS 32/24
30 lunges
2min rest
5 sets
3min on: 2min off
15 cal echo bike (20 cal A.B. Or row)
*remaining time max P. Cleans 185/125
100 DB lunges
80 DB sit ups
60 Alt. DB snatch
40 DB thrusters (single arm)
20 DB hang c&j
Every 2’ starting at 0:00
10/7 cal bike
-800m run-
5 rounds
4 burpees
8 wall balls
12 r.kbs
-400m run-
3 rounds
7 burpees
15 wall balls
23 r.kbs
-200m run-
1 round
25 burpees
50 wall balls
75 r.kbs
Core work
4 rounds
10 T2B
20 hollow rocks
•Deadlifts 225/155
•bar hopping Burpees
*200m run after every set
Every 5’ for 25’
8 devil press (2xDB)
13 DB front squats
18 cal rower
23 push ups
Every 75sec for 10 sets
2 Squat cleans
1 jerk
Every 2 sets add weight
12min Amrap
40 wall balls
30 cal row
20 V-ups
10 DB Snatches 50/35
AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 Deadlifts (115/75 lb)
5 Hang Power Cleans (115/75 lb)
5 Front Squats (115/75 lb)
5 Push Press (115/75 lb)
5 Back Squat (115/75 lb)
Follow the leader
20min amrap
10 Alt DB Snatches 50/35
8 burpees
6 cal bike
*1 partner completes the whole round before partner 2 starts
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