Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
For time
Teams of 2
57 wall balls 20/14
57 T2B
57 clusters 135/95
57 Burpees over Bar
57 KBS
57 cal bike
For time
Teams of 2
57 wall balls 20/14
57 T2B
57 clusters 135/95
57 Burpees over Bar
57 KBS
57 cal bike
Every 4’ for 7 sets
200m run
10 DB snatch
10 DB step ups
-Every set increase reps by 2
-If you don’t finish scale back to your previous set
5 sets
3min Amrap: 90sec rest
40 Dubz
30 v-ups
20 DB Snatches 50/35
10 box jumps 24/20
-50 calories bike/row
3 rounds
15 burpees
15 wall balls
-40 calories bike/row
2 rounds
20 burpees
20 wall balls
-30 calories bike/row
1 round
30 burpees
30 wall balls
Tactical Thursday
Thrusters 75/55
Pull ups
*95lbs with no vest
Time trial:
1 mile run (time cap 10’)
Rest 3’
6’ amrap
20 DB hang cleans (2xDB)
15 DB front squat
10 DB push press
5 DB thrusters
Buy out: (after 6’)
3rds of
20 hollow rocks
10 alt v-ups
12min Amrap
10 P. cleans 135/95
10 front Lunges
10 Burpees over the bar
4 sets of each
2’ on 1’ off
A- 15 push ups on DB’s
10 renegade rows
B- max cal bike/rower
C- 20 lunge hops
7 burpees
22min ladder
•single arm Devil press 50/35
*7 cal bike after every set
15’ emom
A- 15 KB g2oh @24/16
B- 20 v-ups
C- 30 air squats
3’ rest
Every 90″ for 5 sets
200m sprints
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