Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
Tactical Thursday
7 rounds
7 Front Squats 75/55 (95/65 w/ no vest)
7 Push Press
7 thrusters
7 burpees
Tactical Thursday
7 rounds
7 Front Squats 75/55 (95/65 w/ no vest)
7 Push Press
7 thrusters
7 burpees
10min Amrap
30 cals bike
30 T2B
Rest 3min
10min Amrap
400m run
30 Box Jump Overs 24/20
30 Wall balls 20/14
10 rounds
200m run
7 burpees
5 db thrusters (2xDB)
Rest 1 minute after each round
12min time cap
15 Snatches 135/95
50 Dubz
10 Snatches 155/105
75 Dubz
5 snatches 185/115
100 Dubz
-30 cal bike –
1 round
50 kbs
50 box jumps
-40 cal bike –
2 rounds
25 kb sdhp
25 box jumps over
-50 cal bike –
3 rounds
15 kb g2oh
15 burpee box jump
For Time:
1-Mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Air Squats
1-Mile Run
If you have a 20# vest or body armor, wear it.
In honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
To learn more about Murph click here
10 rounds
3 Clean N Jerks 135/95
10 cals
21min amrap
Teams of 2
50 Box Jump overs 24/20
60 Alt DB Snatches 50/35
70 Wall balls 20/14
* while one partner is working the other runs 200m
Every 2min for 20min
3 Squat cleans 185/115
6 bar facing burpees
30 Dubz
Tactical Thursday
100 pull ups
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats
*8min cap to perform pull ups
25min cap
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