Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit
Grettel (Time)
10 Rounds For Time:
3 Clean and Jerks (135/95 lb)
3 Burpees Over the Bar
To learn more about Grettel click here
10 Rounds For Time:
3 Clean and Jerks (135/95 lb)
3 Burpees Over the Bar
To learn more about Grettel click here
Teams of 2
•clusters 95/65
•pull ups
•Box Jump overs 30/24
•clusters 135/95
•Pull ups
•Box Jump overs
•clusters 155/105
•pull ups
•Box Jump overs
5min on:3min off
A)21 Clean and jerks 95/65
21 Burpees
21 cals
B) 15 clean and jerks 115/85
15 bar hopping Burpees
15 cals
C) 9 clean and jerks 135/95
9 bar facing burpees
9 cals
2xDB hang clean
2xDB push press
Every 3’ beginning at 0:00
10/7 calories
Buy out:
400m run w/medball
Tactical Thursday
20min Amrap
20 reps each
Cal row
Single arm DB S2OH 50/35
Step ups 50/35
Sit ups
Push ups
Every 4’ for 5 sets (20’)
12 t2b
10 2xdb box step overs
8 2xdb clusters
Rest 2’
Every 90″ for 5 sets (7’30″)
15/12 calories sprint
3 rounds
1min each
•P. Snatches 75/55
•Box Jumps
•RKBS 32/24
From 0’ to 10’
Wall balls
Sit ups
From 10’ to 20’
1 mile run
From 20’ to 30’
3 rounds
20 kb g2oh
20 kb front rack lunges
20 push ups
4 Rounds
5 M.U.
9 Hang P. Cleans 155/105
7 S2OH
50 Dubz
For time
•Wall Balls 20/14
•KBS 24/16
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