Beginning 12/1
Saturdays: 9a, 10a, 11a
Sundays: 9a, 10a
Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit
Warm up (Checkmark)
2 rounds
20 hollow rocks
20 Mt. Climbers
15 banded pull aparts
15 Banded High Pulls
10 Banded OH Squats
Hit warm up
20sec each
Hang High Pulls
Vertical jumps
Hang Muscle Cleans
High knees
Hang P. Cleans
Jumping Jacks
Overhead Squat (3×10 heavier than last week
*no need to go heavy. This week is to continue getting comfortable with the movement.
Hang Team (Time)
•Hang Power Cleans 135/95
*100m run after each set
*** This one is grippy
**Be strategic on the rounds of 15-18. These are the rounds that will be the most difficult. So break them up accordingly.
*use the run as recovery with the exception of the final run.
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