Looking to improve your recovery game?
We’ve partnered up with Movement is Life and Maribel Rojas!
Maribel Rojas is a Miami-based licensed massage therapist, Neuromuscular Therapist, and Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist. A CrossFit athlete since 2010 and a CrossFit coach since 2012, she is uniquely aware and interested in athletic massage and its benefits on the body.
Sessions are customized to the needs of the athlete and may range from 30min, 60min to 90min sessions right here at our gym! They could include soft tissue manipulation, guasha, cupping, myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, etc.
Book your session today!
Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit
Warm up (Checkmark)
Warm up:
2 rounds
5 cal bike upper body
10 scorpions
5 HS Kick ups
5 cal bike lower body
10 Mt. Climbers
10 Drop squats
Then Barbell break down
•clean High Pulls
•Muscle cleans
•P. Cleans
Tap ~n~ Go (AMRAP – Reps)
Tap n Go
P. Cleans
:30sec of work :90sec of rest
Set 1- @ 95/65lbs
Set 2- @ 135/95lbs
Set 3- @ 155/105lbs
Set 4- @ 185/125lbs
Set 5- @ 205/135lbs
Trouble With (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
14min amrap
50 step ups 24/20”
15 cal bike
***Name of the game is step ups!!! More mental thank it is physical. Just keep it going!!! Especially when him getting off the bike.
**You can push the pace on the HSPU. It will be a couple 2-4min before you get back to them; so there will be time to recover.
*Keep grinding on that bike. 15 cals isn’t much buy if you sprint this it can cost you some time on the step ups.
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